Sunday, June 28, 2009

Band Review: Sail By The Stars

I decided my first review would be of the unsigned band, Sail By The Stars. This band was featured in AP's June 2009 issue. I listened to their album A Sunshine State Of Mind. The first song I listened to was, Icebergs Are For Penguins. I love how they go from humble acoustic guitar to full-fledge pop punk music. It added alot of personality to their songs. The lyrics were well-planned and used alot of comparisons. I feel that alot of high school aged teens will be able to relate to their songs, because the members of the band put alot of emotion into the songs. The choruses of their songs draw you in and make you want to sing along. They sound like an early The Maine and Nevershoutnever! with a full band. The instrumentals sound amazing. The guitars arent screechy and the drum beats are very catchy. The only downfall of this band is the lead singer. His voice can be very annoying, obnoxious, and whiney. Though for split seconds in their song, Once Upon A Time, he sounds like Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy.

The Breakdown
Band Name: Sail By The Stars

Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
Recent Album: A Sunshine State Of Mind
Sounds Like: The Maine and Nevershoutnever!
Pros: catchy music and beats, and meaningful lyrics
Cons: lead singer's voice can get annoying after a while
Songs You Should Listen To: Icebergs Are For Penguins, and Once Upon A Time
Overall Rating: 7/10

I'm A Newbie.. Don't Shoot Me Dx

Hey Everyone!

My name is Jordan and I'm a 15 year old girl living in the Windy City. I hope to use this blog to review CDs, bands, and musical equipment. Eventually, I would love to be able to interveiw bands and artists. I want to inform and connect with people of my age who share my love music. Message me and leave me comments, if you wish to do so.